30 May
Democracy is a long-term KYS scenario

 I had doubts with Donald Trump back when he was still in office, The things going on behind ever speech behind every events that I admit I ignored because I was apolitical, I didn't start as a free thinker, I was a liberal. Thanks to successful American dissidents like Nick Fuentes. Who I thought was just a casual twitch streamer (sorry for that, I apologize) then comes the time I've found out that He is one of the most intelligent human beings given to you by God, I think what He says reasonates with the working class with the common people and somehow, People that don't get it just wants to get him off from social media, These same ' 'conservatives' ' as Breitbart would tell you wants you to be distracted from winning. They want you to know that "democracy must be stopped because it's corrupt!" .. No flippin sh*t. Yet the same conservatives are allowing Big Tech plaforms to silence those who criticize a country. They refuse to speak against corruption and if your political pundit never talks about it then they're sharing the same room with 'The Elites' that these same pundits tell you. 

 Now about democracy... I know some of you hate the idea of one-world government and so do I. However, I see democracy as an effective means to control what you must think of by imposing a more mediocre idea in you. You have to agree with it because majority of your schoolmates, professors, politicians, co-workers agrees with this or They kick you out from educating yourself; they ban you from their establishments; they call you and tell you to abandon a healthy friendship because what you said is "too extreme". You can't think of an alternative thought under a system like this; First they think what you said is offensive, the next thing you know.. You're banned. Many such cases. Leading more people to wake up and think of an effective alternative. 

  I've read comments on a mainstream report about Desantis clashing with Trump, and it shows you that The democrat voter base aren't really serious about who they're voting for, let alone the ideologies that their representatives claim to believe in. It's retarded, really. Several liberals are switching sides to pick someone from the opposing team just to vote against Trump and Ye, they'd rather have Ron Desantis for President. Ron, Who used to fanboy for Trump and Trump helped Him win his previous campaigns, without Trump's help, Ron would have lost as He had begged for Trump to help him win against his opponent in 2018 then Ron throws it all away for 'The democrat voter base', a base so real that it mostly consists of non-whites and immigrants. 

Why do they want Desantis?

Desantis isn't trump. If Florida's governor were to be confronted by The people who towers over him, He would bend over the weight of his opposition, either that or Attack his supporters for asking. The GOP has this leave it be mentality which makes The republican party vulnerable to (let's say it in retard terms) right wing ideas infested with leftist ideologies.