30 Sep
Mainstream Satisfaction

I've been scrolling through my google chrome feed finding all sorts of mainstream values: Feminism, Democracy, Vaccines, Scientology, Gaysex? The things that keeps the stupid from looking outside their small town mentality, that nothing is going on outside of town. They want people to be comfortable, satisfied, and unaffected to terrible consequences.                    

Just like the mainstream media's opinions on the war. That the war shouldn't have happened if Putin allowed foreigners to build laboratories that contributes resources to foreign nationals instead of Russia (The country where the labs are built).  

  I don't know where you people live but where I live, People my age reads these articles about gay sex/ trivia all day.. a lot of these aren't really helping the events they share with their followers on internet platforms that I should have been apart of but I thank god for Groypers, A lot of these 'influencers' don't really care about your status, health and your capability to contribute to soyciety. The "defend the poor" followed up with a photo of them in a bathing suit doesn't really change anything. They want you to be weak, they want young people to be unaware.